Mp3 Download song Noemi In my dreams FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Noemi song lyrics

Noemi - In my dreams Lyrics

In My Dreams

And the moon will always smile
in my dreams, in my dreams
and the sun will always rise
in my dreams, in my dreams

what you'll get is what you see
so it seems, so it seems
think about your words to me
in my dreams, so it seems

don't answer for the reason
don't answer for the ?child?
we sealed and made a promise
we found it in the clouds

remember all the feelings
remember all the love
it's burning like a fire
in rage, heaven above

And the moon will always smile
in my dreams, in my dreams
and the sun will always rise
in my dreams, in my dreams

what you'll get is what you see
so it seems, so it seems
think about your words to me
in my dreams, so it seems

don't answer for the reason
don't answer for the ?child?
we sealed and made a promise
we found it in the cry

remember all the feelings
remember all the love
it's burning like a fire
in rage, heaven above
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